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美容家Caoruのオフィシャルサイト L'eclat Beauty

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L’eclat Beauty Academy受講規

この規約(以下「本規約」といいます)は、L’eclat Beauty Academy(以下「当アカデミー」といいます)監修の下、当アカデミーによって策定、管理され、実施される各講座
1. 本規約は、当アカデミーが運営・実施する各講座のすべての受講者(以下「受講者」といいます)に適用され、各々が遵守すべき事項を定めたものです。また、受講希望者は、本規約に同意した上で、本講座の申込みを行うものとします。
2. 本講座の内容は、別途当アカデミーが案内または配布する資料等の詳細、カリキュラム等の通りとし、また、本講座の内容に追加等の変更が生じた場合は、当アカデミーは受講者に対し遅滞なく通知するものとします。なお、当該通知をもって、これにかかる変更は、当アカデミーと受講者間の受講契約に適用されるものとします。
1. 受講者は、本講座への申込みを当アカデミー所定の方法により行うものとします。
2. 前項の申込手続の不備、誤記、遅延等、もしくは本規約または申込書の記入事項等につ
なお、受講料は前払いとなり、講習申込後1週間以内に所定の振込先にお振込み願います。 又、基本的に講習料金の返金は致しかねますので、日程の変更に関しては予めご連絡いただけますようお願い申し上げます。

1. 本規約の対象とする情報は、第2項に定める秘密情報及び第3項に定める個人情報(以下、任せて「秘密情報等」といいます)とします。
2. 秘密情報とは、受講者が本講座の受講に伴い当アカデミーから提供された情報及び本規約に関連する情報であって、ノウハウ、アイデア等の営業上、技術上、財産上その他有益な情報及び秘密とされるべき情報をいいます。但し、そのうち当アカデミーが書面によって事前に承諾した情報については除外します。
3. 個人情報とは、受講者が本講座の受講に伴い当アカデミーから提供された情報及び本規約に関連する情報、並びに当アカデミー関係者に関する情報の内、個人に関する情報であって、当該情報に含まれる氏名、生年月日、識別番号、記号、符号、画像、音声その他の記述等により特定の個人を識別できるもの(当該情報だけでは識別ができない場合であっても他の情報と容易に照合することができ、これにより特定の個人を識別することができることとなるものを含みます)をいいます。
1. 受講者は、秘密情報等について、厳に秘密を保持するものとし、第三者に開示あるいは漏洩し、また本規約の目的以外に使用してはいけません。
2. 受講者が前項の定めに違反したことにより損害の発生が発覚した場合、当アカデミーは被った損害の賠償を受講者に対し請求することができるものとします。
  1. 講習時に収録した動画に関しては、基本自宅学習の為に使用するものとし、SNSなどに投稿する事を禁止します。(一部短い動画を宣伝のために使用する事は許可致します)
  2. マニュアル及び当アカデミーにて入手した資料に関してもSNSなどの投稿又は複製する事を禁止します。
2021年6月1日 制定・施行

L’eclat Beauty Academy Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") govern each Course (hereinafter referred to as the "Course") developed, administered, and conducted by the L'eclat Beauty Academy (hereinafter referred to as the "Academy"). under the supervision of the Academy. If you wish to take this Course, please read, and understand the Terms and Conditions of this agreement before applying for the Course.
1. These Terms and Conditions apply to each Student (hereinafter referred to as the "Student") of the Course operated and conducted by the Academy and stipulate the matters to be observed by each Student. In addition, each Student who wishes to take a Course shall apply for the Course upon agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.
2. The contents of the Course shall be in accordance with the details and curriculum of the materials separately announced or distributed by the Academy. If there is any change in the contents of the Course, the Academy shall immediately notify the Student.
Such changes shall be applied to the course contract between the Academy and the Student.
Article 2 (Course Application)
1. The Student shall apply for the Course through the method stipulated by the Academy.
2. In the event that there is any incompleteness, error, or delay in the application procedure described in the previous paragraph, or any ignorance or misunderstanding by the Student regarding these Terms and Conditions or the items to be filled in on the application form, the Student shall be responsible for any disadvantage caused by such incompleteness, error, or delay, and the Academy shall not be responsible for such disadvantage.
Article3 (Eligibility Requirements)
A prospective Student who wishes to take the Course may do so regardless of whether or not they have prior work experience. However, a prospective Student with no experience in facial training shall only be eligible to take the 5-day facial training course. A prospective Student with facial experience can take each curriculum individually. The Head Spa Massage course can be taken regardless of work experience.
A Certificate of Completion will be issued upon completion of each course.
Article4 (Course Fees & Payment Method)
  1. Please refer to the separate materials for the fees of each Course at the Academy.
  2. The Student shall pay the course fee and other fees for the Course by the payment method specified for each Course. The Course fee must be paid in advance and must be transferred to the designated bank account within one week of the Course application.
The Course fee is non-refundable. Contact the Academy in advance in the event of any rescheduling.
Payment of Course fees and other expenses are the responsibility of the Student.
Article5 (Cancellations, Rescheduling, etc.)
Cancelation of a course is not possible. Make sure any application has been carefully considered before booking and inform the Academy in advance in the event of rescheduling.
Article6(Establishment of Course Contract)
  1. The contract for the Course is binding when the bank transfer of the Course fee is confirmed within one week of the application. In the event that the bank transfer is not confirmed, the application and the provisionally booked Course dates will be automatically cancelled.
Article7 (Confidential Information, etc.)
1. The information covered by these Terms and Conditions is confidential information as defined in Clause 2 and personal information as defined in Clause 3 (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information").
2. Confidential Information means any information provided by the Academy to the Student in connection with the Course or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, including knowledge, ideas and other information that is commercially, technologically, property-wise or otherwise useful, as well as any information that should be regarded as confidential. However, this does not include information that the Academy has agreed to in writing in advance.
3. Personal Information refers to information provided by the Academy to a Student in connection with their enrollment in this course, information related to these Terms and Conditions, and information related to persons associated with the Academy, which relates to an individual and can be used to identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, identification number, symbol, code, image, voice or other description contained in the information. (This includes information that can be easily cross-checked with other information to identify a specific individual, even if the individual cannot be identified by the information alone.
Article8(Disclosure, Leakage, or Use of Confidential Information for Other Purposes)
1. The Student shall not disclose or divulge any Confidential Information to any third party or use it for any purpose other than those set out in these Terms and Conditions.
2. If any damage is found to have occurred as a result of a violation of the preceding paragraph by a Student, the Academy may demand compensation from the Student for any damage incurred.
Article 9 (Handling of Intellectual Property Rights)
The reproduction of manuals obtained from the Academy courses is strictly forbidden.
In addition, the skills and techniques of the Academy are the intellectual property of the Academy and/or of the head beautician Caoru, and must not under any circumstances be presented or handled in a manner other than that prescribed.
Article 10 (Prohibited Activities)
  1. The videos recorded during the course are to be used for home study only and may not be posted on any social media sites. (Some short videos may be permitted for promotional purposes)
The posting or reproduction of the manual or any other material obtained from the Academy on any social media sites is strictly forbidden.
Article 11(Consultation)
In the event of an earthquake, flood, fire or other unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of either the Academy or the Student, or in the event that the performance of this contract becomes difficult, the Academy will consult with the Student to determine the best course of action.
Article 12(Agreed Jurisdiction)
If any dispute arises in relation to these Terms and Conditions, the district court or summary court having jurisdiction over the location of the Academy shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.
Enacted and effective June 1,2021


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